The DNA Database
A senior judge Lord Justice Sedley has called for the whole population of the UK plus all visitors however short their stay, to be added to the UK DNA database. His reasoning follows the thought that the present system which holds some 4 million DNA records of persons both guilty and innocent, is unfair. Therefore, if everyone complied and agreed to a swab being taken and personal data recorded the system would be unbiased and fair.
The present 12 year old system records around 30,000 new samples a month yet not all samples are taken from suspected criminals. Few people realise that witnesses to a crime also have their DNA taken. Putting yourself forward for elimination from a crime means having your DNA taken. In princilple I for one do not have a problem with that, but what I do object to is this DNA is then permanently logged and you cannot get it removed from the register. That alone, in most incidences, would stop me coming forward as a witness.
Some DNA record facts: Currectly there are around 24,000 unconvicted 10 to 17 year olds on the register. 40% of the register are black men. 13% are asian and only 9% are white. Overall 5% of the UK population is on the register most with no hope of getting their data removed, no matter why their data was collected in the first place. In Scotland all DNA records are destroyed where persons are unconvicted and not guilty of a crime. Strange that isn't it....
The present 12 year old system records around 30,000 new samples a month yet not all samples are taken from suspected criminals. Few people realise that witnesses to a crime also have their DNA taken. Putting yourself forward for elimination from a crime means having your DNA taken. In princilple I for one do not have a problem with that, but what I do object to is this DNA is then permanently logged and you cannot get it removed from the register. That alone, in most incidences, would stop me coming forward as a witness.
Some DNA record facts: Currectly there are around 24,000 unconvicted 10 to 17 year olds on the register. 40% of the register are black men. 13% are asian and only 9% are white. Overall 5% of the UK population is on the register most with no hope of getting their data removed, no matter why their data was collected in the first place. In Scotland all DNA records are destroyed where persons are unconvicted and not guilty of a crime. Strange that isn't it....
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