Friday, March 03, 2006

The Apprentice

Last night I watched the second in the series of Alan Sugar's The Apprentice. Unbelievable! It is hard to accept that some of these 'troopers' are high flyers. Wanabee celebs would seem more fitting. We had anger, frustration, arguments, sulking, not wanting to be part of the team and of course, tears. Now come on, someone who is applying for a job that carries a 6 figure salary crying, for the camera? .... pl e a s e!

I really enjoyed the first series. The original applicants seemed of a higher calibre, despite the young lady who 'mistakenly' took off her skirt to complete a sale. This series feels different. Don't get me wrong I am a fan of Alan Sugar. I like the way he talks about his business. I like the way he talks about his employees, the respect he has for them - honest, intelligent, loyal and committed being some of his favourite words. He is the type of boss that instills loyalty and he is not averse to rewarding the dedication and commitment he expects, and gets, from his employees. His feedback to the apprentices re completed 'tasks' are always interesting and relevant.

However, this second bunch of applicants seem more camera savvy, camera aware. I get the distinct feeling some of them are playing to the crowd. It will be interesting watching how this develops.

Mr Sugar is not one to suffer fools likely I feel, so bring 'em on .....

Fiona 2/3/06


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