Monday, August 08, 2011

The NHS And Alcohol Related Problems

The National Audit Office said local health bosses did not have a clear idea of the scale of the problem and as a result were not co-ordinating services.
In particular, the report called on GPs to take more responsibility as the NHS was struggling to reach those at the early stages of alcohol abuse.

But a Department of Health spokesman said the government was doing "more than ever" to tackle alcohol-related problems.

The NAO said GPs were in the ideal position to help these groups of people through the use of brief advice during consultations on how to reduce drinking levels.


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The New Vascular Health Check

Vascular disease affects 4 million people a year, leading to the death of 170,000 on an annual basis. However, research indicates that it is possible to identify risk factors for vascular disease and modify outcomes by early prevention.

I wonder how many families are wondering how different their lives would have been if they had taken note of this advice.....

My father was diagnosed with vascular dementia 2.5 years ago. Fifteen years prior to this diagnosis he had an angioplasty to an artery in his leg/groin due to early vascular disease. At the time the consultant told him the cause was due to his being an ex-smoker - ex being 20 years stopped! I clearly remember my father  being very miffed - 20 years stopped smoking only to still suffer from related health issues.

What prompted this latest consultation and diagnosis? I did and some days I now regret this. Ignorance might well have been better, at least for my father.

My father at 87 years, was still driving. We were at the stage of 'let's use my car dad and save your petrol' or 'would you mind if I drove dad, I feel sick when a passenger!'

It's easy to bury your head and let things jog along. Dad needed to drive because mum would have been housebound if he didn't. Sometimes burying your head makes life easier, especially where changes might impact on your own lifestyle. But then we had a series of mini traumas.